SSN Verification: 001-01-0138

Verify Social Security Number:
001-01-0138 is Valid
001-01-0138 was issued in New Hampshire between 1936 and 1950
Click here to view all Social Security Offices in New Hampshire.
Use our free tool allows you to tap into our extensive database and find out if a Social Security Number is valid and whether or not it has been issued. This tool cannot be used to validate employee and non-employee Social Security Numbers. Using our Social Security Decoding information we are able to determine when and where a social security number was issued as well.
To find Social Security Administration offices in a specific area or near you click here to go to our SSA Office Locator.
This data was collected from the Social Security Administration's Highest Issued Group data and was updated until the Social Security Randomization policy took effect in June 2011.
We work hard to ensure the accuracy of data provided but make no warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of this data. Use this information at your own risk.